Thursday, May 14, 2009

Death and Doom

I worry a lot sometimes. I'll have moments where I will just start to become very concerned about what will I do if I die. Okay, well clearly I won't be doing much of anything (other than getting fitted for my angel wings, fingers crossed! Actually, God probably already knows what size I need. I mean, He's God. Anyways...). But what about if Lee dies! Or what would Lee do if I die?! The nearby Arby's and Papa John's would benefit tremendously, but that would still suck! And sometimes during these thoughts, I wonder, what will happen to my or Lee's Facebook. Or my blog.


I've seen Facebook walls turn into nice memorials for the deceased. But I wonder, will that stay there forever? What if some people wanted to see my Facebook memorial who weren't already on Facebook or my friend, how could I accept their friendship since all my secret passwords have died with me. What if I needed to be untagged from some photos after death so my memorial is more...appropriate. How will I cancel any of Lee's video game memberships? Or notify the rest of the guild? (Yes, my husband is super cool.)

Call me crazy, but apparently other people have thought about this, web developer people, and there is a solution. Enter Legacy Locker.

You can keep all your passwords to anything here and when you die they will pass on to a beneficiary. You can also type up a Legacy Letter as a final message to your e-mail contacts. (Creepy. Please don't put me on your final e-mail. Somethings are really best said on paper.)

It seems a little crazy -- and I know this is terribly morbid (Maybe it's the clouds and the boil water advisory. Grr.) -- but this isn't a horrible idea. Of course this information could be typed out on paper and placed in a safety deposit box too. Perhaps the real audience for this are those with online businesses and regular online transactions. Like if you have an Etsy shop and people keep buying things but you can't fulfill those orders because no one knows the password and you're dead. That's a much bigger problem than Lee not showing up for his dungeon raid.

Let's close on a positive, shall we? From KSR's Twitter on May 8:


thegamerswife said...

I have actually thought about these things too recently! I am thinking about writing down all the husband needs to know if something does happen to me since I handle most our finances and important stuff and he'd be LOST as to what to do if I'm gone! I never did think about notifying his gamer memberships, guild or other players if he goes. Guess I'll have to think about that ;-)

Dawn said...

These thoughts tend to come up not too long into marriage. Please know that if you died, more than just Lee would be sad. Whose precious blog would bring a smile to my heart at her whimsical musings if not yours? :) Take care of yourself, sweet Katie!

Katie said...

Haha. Thanks Dawn!

And of course after Grey's Anatomy I had to go over all of our DNR wishes. Today has just been full of fun topics!

Anonymous said...

ok - just found you from TYH comment - can relate to a few things -you are on my blog list now.

Katie said...

Thanks Nicole! Welcome!