On Friday I shared my masterpiece creation: a YouTube video to promote Louisville's Jane Austen Festival. Margaret Sullivan, author of The Jane Austen Handbook (I love it!) and AustenBlog (Love it too!), will be speaking at the event so our regional coordinator e-mailed the video to her and yes my friends, today I was on AustenBlog. (Okay well, my YouTube video, sans any linkage to me, was on AustenBlog, but same difference.)There are no words to describe my joy and sense of accomplishment on this glorious occasion. First, I must thank Jane because she started it all. Next, I must thank my parents for loaning me their video camera. Third, my friends and family who so graciously volunteered their time and talents to giving a voice to our beloved Bennets with only cookies as payment. And of course YouTube and the other Internet wonders that have made this kind of big publicity possible.
Today -- Austenblog.
Tomorrow -- Oprah?
Hi Katie!
How did you get the "topics of discussion" thing on your blog? I can't figure it out!
Thanks. :o)
The tag cloud came from here: http://www.estetica-design-forum.com/general-web-design-forum/8273-tag-cloud-blogger.html
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