Friday, December 11, 2009

Week in Review: 12/11

a perfect evening
Christmas lights + reading = How I would love to spend every day

Lots of craftiness this week. Both in how I've spent my evenings and my favorite links of the week.

I love Colin Firth. A lot. And English Muse got to interview him. I'm just a little jealous. ;) (Actually there would be no sense in my interviewing him. I would only bumble away idiotic mutterings regarding Mr. Darcy and Mark Darcy and those leather pants in What a Girl Wants.)

Such an adorable and simple necklace to make.

Brilliant shirt upgrade.

Love the crochet garland.

In other important news, last night I decided that my love for my camera and my sewing machine is too strong for them to continue unnamed a moment longer and a decision must be made. So my camera is now Charles and my sewing machine is Laura. I know, won't that be confusing, a sister and a sewing machine with the same name?! But I'm not usually talking to my sister and sewing machine at the same time. Or ever. And I was trying to think which Project Runway contestant was most like my sewing machine and I selected Laura Bennett, because they're both older, talented, grumpy at times, and I would wear the things they make.


stefanie said...

I love all of your links!! Those are some great ideas.

Katie said...
