Monday, May 10, 2010

Missing Zoey?

Zoey is spending the week with her Nana (Yes, my mom refers to herself in reference to Zoey as "Nana". It's adorable.) since Lee and I will be away this weekend (Sadly though not in the same place. I have a wedding; Lee has drill.). I always feel a little guilty when Zoey leaves because I kind of love it.
It's not that I don't love Zoey, because I do. I mean, look at that face! And those lop-sided ears! But there are several perks to Zoey not being around. Like I don't have to strategically feed the cat so Zoey won't eat all her food. (I have to feed her early before Zoey gets up, but then have put her food away when we leave for work. Basically, Reagan only has a chance of eating if I'm within eye shot of her food bowl.) And Lee doesn't have to cautiously approach me to avoid a dog attack. (We've realized that men can't approach me if I'm seated or Zoey pounces. Good thing she's only 15 pounds.)

But mostly, Lee and I love not having to take Zoey outside to potty. I know, I know, that's one of the big considerations when you get a dog in an apartment, but it's so much more annoying than I ever thought it would be. Lately, as I curse Zoey for taking forever to poo when I'm already running late for work, I remind myself that I  only have a few more weeks before I can just let her out into our fenced yard. :)

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