Monday, July 27, 2009

I Feel So Popular

A couple weeks ago my dear friend Caitlin invited me to write a guest post for her blog on my beloved Jane Austen. Since we have been real-life best friends from back before when blogs were cool (Actually there wasn't ever Facebook then! Gosh I feel old. When I started college (7 dorm rooms down from Caitlin) in September 2002, there was no Facebook.), this wasn't too surprising because we're obviously each other's biggest fans. However, Hannah from Journal of a Rock Angel liked my post so much she asked to repost it! I feel so popular! I'm also a huge dork. Anyway, just go check out Hannah's blog and read my thoughts on Jane again. (If you want. I mean, how can you tire of her? I can't!) Thanks Hannah!

In other English dork news, I'm loving this:

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