Monday, August 17, 2009

I'm Falling in Love, Therefore She Must Be Named

Since I started my sewing lessons in February, I have quite fallen in love with sewing. I really do enjoy it and am impressed by my improvement. I sew much more quickly than when I began and have gotten over my fear of the needle (other needles not so much) seeing as how I have gotten dangerously close to it on several occasions. The next step is, of course, to name my dear girl:

I'm currently drawing a name blank. My first thought is generally a Jane Austen character who I'm not considering naming a child after (no Elizabeth, Jane, Anne, or Emma), but it has to be one that I like (no Fanny, Mrs. Bennet, Lady Catherine, and on most days Marianne).

Maybe Charlie or Georgie? I don't know where those came from, they just popped into my mind. Hmm...suggestions welcome!

I did make some yoga shorts from this tutorial for Lee's sister this weekend! I taught her how to sew/let her push the peddle while I fed the fabric and it was lots of fun. Since she wanted shorts and picked a smaller-than-XL T-shirt I had to adjust the pattern some and was quite relieved that it worked. I failed to take pictures of it but just trust that it was fabulous.

Three days until a new season of Project Runway! Lee and I will probably be at the Blue October concert at Fourth Street Live, but will catch it this weekend. I'm so excited!!


Caitlin said...

What about Elinor? Or Cassandra?

Katie said...

I had thought about Cassandra (or Cassie) but my clarinet already had Elinor for a middle name.

Janna said...

Your new friend-to-be-named-later is also handy for making those hand-stitched greeting cards you posted about a while back. I learned how to sew on cardstock, following a line my mom drew. Try it with some neat thread! But don't make the stitches too close together - that's helpful for perforating paper - not for sewing crafty designs.

Katie said...

I've been meaning to try stitching on card stock. I think I'm going to use it for some Christmas projects.